CBE Cares
Type of Need


Tax Exempt Status
Please specify if your organization is a tax-exempt, non-profit entity (classified by the IRS as 501(c)(3):
(Please provide with your application a copy of your 501(c) 3 tax status)
Note: If your organization was recently formed (less than 2 years) we will require a copy of a W-9 as part of the review process.
Please specify which category you would classify your organization:
Please limit to 300 words or less.
Please limit to 300 words or less.
Please limit to 300 words or less.
Describe how the donated funds would be utilized (specific program/project, etc.), how much of the donation will remain local and the desired impact on the Community. (Please limit to 300 words or less.)
If you had only three minutes to inform each of our participating employees about your organization, the project they would be funding, and the why behind it, what would you want them to know? (Please limit to 450 words or less.)
CBE Cares comes with volunteer support for our quarterly recipient during the month they receive their donation; what projects, events, or supports could your organization use help with? In other words, how can we help you?